Our goal, as always, is to provide our patients and our team with a safe, comfortable environment to receive dental care.
Here are some of the things our dental team is doing to ensure your safety:
1. Personal Protective Equipment
We possess and use all necessary protective equipment, including level 3 face masks, face shields, gloves, protective eyewear, and protective clothing. Worn by our team and changed regularly. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is designed to protect everyone in our practice from exposure to infectious agents.
2. Medical Grade HEPA Air Filters
We have medical grade HEPA air purifiers in every patient operatory room and common areas in our offices. Our goal is to minimize our patients’ risk of any unnecessary exposure by reducing the amount of allergens, contaminants and virus particles in the air.
3. Sterilization of Patient-Care Equipment
Instruments and equipment used in your care are all regularly sterilized and disinfected to ensure that your health is never at risk. Items such as surgical instruments and mouth mirrors are always sterilized before each use.
4. Regular Sanitation Between Each Patient
Common touchpoints, including seating, workspaces, door handles, railings, and restrooms are sanitized on a regular basis by our team with effective cleaning solutions certified to kill viruses. Individual rooms are disinfected by two of our team members between each appointment.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our office today for more information.
We look forward to seeing your smiles.
— Tennessee Family Dental